Wurtsmith Range
2827 Rea Road
Oscoda, Michigan 48750
Open to members year round.
Open to the Public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the summer months.
The range has a wide variety of opportunities for pistol, rifle, shotgun and archery.
Pistol shooting features covered shooting lines in a variety of target distances. Thursday evenings there is an IDPA style practice and the second Saturday of the month , during the summer, is a steel plate pistol shoot, any pistol caliber.
Rifle shooting features 25, 50, 100, 300 and 600 yard distances. There are several varieties of matches scheduled for both the 300 and 600 yard ranges. There are Monthly Mid-Range (600 yard) F-Class and Highpower matches as well as G-Class (or F Bench) matches also. 600 yard practice is on Wednesdays at 1:00pm. The 300 yard range offers G-Class matches on the first and third Thursday at 2:00pm. A monthly “Vintage rifle” match and “Sniper” matches are also shot on the 300 yard range.
The shotgun range features Trap, Skeet and 5-Stand. A summer shotgun league rotates between the three.
The archery range has a raised platform and 3-D targets are available as well as flat shooting into bales.
Check the calendar for times and availability.